Saturday, May 31, 2014

Arabic broken (irregular) plural nouns S+A2 "Short + Hamza over Alif (2)" (ALiLLatun)

--To read this post in Japanese, click here.

Some of Arabic broken (irregular) plural nouns and adjectives do not include a long vowel.

Some of those only-short-vowel plural forms have:
a Hamza over Alif on the head;
a Ta Marbuta on the tail; and
a rhythm "ALiLLaTun."

They belong to "Short + Hamza over Alif (2)" group.

Here are examples of words belonging to the "Short + Hamza over Alif (2)" group.

meaningplural - singular
darlingحَبِيبٌ -  أَحِبَّةٌ، أَحِبَّاءُ، أَحْبَابٌ 
bedسَرِيرٌ - أَسِرَّةٌ، سُرُرٌ، سَرَايِرُ
healthy, true    صَحِيحٌ -  أَصِحَّةٌ، أَصِحَّاءُ، صِحَاحٌ
doctorطَبِيبٌ - أَطِبَّةٌ، أَطِبَّاءُ
preciousعَزِيزٌ -  أَعِزَّةٌ، أَعِزَّاءُ
- - - - -
toothسِنٌّ - أَسِنَّةٌ، أَسْنَانٌ، أَسُنٌّ 
- - - - -
leaderإِمَامٌ - أَئِمَّةٌ، أَيِمَّةٌ
- - - - -
crownإِكْلِيلٌ -  أَكِلَّةٌ، أَكَالِيلُ

Last updated: 31 May 2014.

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Sa  Si  Su1  Su2  S+A1  S+A2  S+A3

To jump to a summary page, "Arabic broken plural nouns - summary," click here.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Street, calle, and barabara

--To read this post in Japanese, click here.

People are walking and cars are passing.

English: street

Dutch: straat

Italian: strada

German: Straße

Hindi: सड़क  [saraka]

Arabic:  شَارِعٌ  [shariu(n)]

French: rue

Portuguese: rua

Spanish: calle
Korean: 거리 [geoli]

Swahili: barabara
Russian: улица

Chinese: 街(头)/街(頭) [jiē(tóu)]

Japanese: 通り(とおり)

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Arabic broken (irregular) plural nouns Si "Short i" (LiLaLun)

--To read this post in Japanese, click here. 

Some of Arabic broken (irregular) plural nouns and adjectives do not include a long vowel.

Among them,  a plural form of words belonging to "Short i"  group
start with a letter with vowel i, and have rhythm "LiLaLun."

 Here are examples of words belonging to the "Short i" group.

meaning        plural - singular
edgeحَرْفٌ - حِرَفٌ
- - - - -
suitبَدْلَةٌ -  بِدَلٌ، بَدَلاَتٌ 
flatشَقَّةٌ - شِقَقٌ، شُقَقٌ، شَقَّاتٌ  
- - - - -
catقِطٌّ - قِطَطٌ، قِطَاطٌ، قِطَطَةٌ
- - - - -
hatredإِحْنَةٌ - إِحَنٌ
needleإِبْرَةٌ - إِبَرٌ
innovationبِدْعَةٌ - بِدَعٌ 
pondبِرْكَةٌ - بِرَكٌ
handicraftحِرْفَةٌ - حِرَفٌ
portion, class  حِصَّةٌ - حِصَصٌ
merchandise سِلْعَةٌ - سِلَعٌ
teamفِرْقَةٌ - فِرَقٌ
storyقِصَّةٌ - قِصَصٌ
pieceقِطْعَةٌ - قِطَعٌ
ratioنِسْبَةٌ - نِسَبٌ

Last updated: 8 Oct 2014.

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Sa  Si  Su1  Su2  S+A1  S+A2  S+A3

To jump to a summary page, "Arabic broken plural nouns - summary," click here.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Arabic broken (irregular) plural nouns Sa "Short a" (LaLaLaTun)

--To read this post in Japanese, click here. 

Some of Arabic broken (irregular) plural nouns and adjectives do not include a long vowel.

Among them,  a plural form of words belonging to "Short a"  group
start with a letter with vowel a,
end with Ta Marbuta, and
have rhythm "LaLaLaTun."

 Here are examples of words belonging to the "Short a" group.

meaning        plural - singular
youngشَابٌّ - شَبَبَةٌ، شُبَّانٌ، شَبَابٌ، شَابَّاتٌ
- - - - -
maliciousخَبِيثٌ - خَبَثَةٌ، خُبَثَاءُ، أَخْبَاثٌ، خُبْثٌ، خَبِيثُونَ، خَبِيثَاتٌ، خَبَائِثُ
grandsonحَفِيدٌ، حَفِيدَةٌ - حَفَدَةٌ، أَحْفَادٌ،   حَفِيدَاتٌ
weakضَعِيفٌ - ضَعَفَةٌ، ضِعَافٌ، ضُعَفَاءُ، ضَعَائِفُ   
- - - - -
sinfulآثِمٌ - أَثَمَةٌ، آثِمُونَ ، آثِمَاتٌ
ignorantجَاهِلٌ - جَهَلَةٌ، جُهَّلٌ، جُهَّالٌ، جُهَلاَءُ، جَاهِلُونَ، جَاهِلاَتٌ
guardianحَافِظٌ - حَفَظَةٌ، حُفَّاظٌ، حَافِظُونَ، حَافِظَاتٌ
attendantخَادِمٌ -  خَدَمَةٌ، خُدَّامٌ
studentطَالِبٌ - طَلَبَةٌ، طُلاَّبٌ، طَالِبُونَ، طَالِبَاتٌ
employeeعَامِلٌ - عَمَلَةٌ، عُمَّالٌ، عَامِلاَتٌ
killerقَاتِلٌ - قَتَلَة، قُتَّالٌ، قَاتِلُونَ، قَاتِلاَتٌ
writerكَاتِبٌ - كَتَبَةٌ، كُتَّابٌ، كَاتِبُونَ، كَاتِبَاتٌ
priestكَاهِنٌ -  كَهَنَةٌ، كُهَّانٌ
skilledمَاهِرٌ - مَهَرَةٌ
- - - - -
braveشُجَاعٌ، شِجَاعٌ - شَجَعَةٌ، شُجْعَانٌ، شُجَاعَاتٌ

Last updated: 5 May 2014.

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Sa  Si  Su1  Su2  S+A1  S+A2  S+A3

To jump to a summary page, "Arabic broken plural nouns - summary," click here.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Arabic broken (irregular) plural nouns 4Ai+N "4th Long Alif i + Noon" (LiLLaaNun)

--To read this post in Japanese, click here.

Many Arabic broken (irregular) plural nouns and adjectives have a long vowel.
Some of them start with a letter with vowel "i,"
have Alif (long "a") as a fourth letter, and end with Noon.
The rhythm is "LiLLaaNun."
They belong to "4th Long Alif i + N" group.

Here are examples of words belonging to the "4th Long Alif i + N" group.

meaningplural - singular
mouseفَأْرٌ - فِئْرَانٌ 
- - - - -
brotherأَخٌ -  إِخْوَانٌ، إِخْوَةٌ
- - - - -
dry valley

وَادٍ -  وِدْيَانٌ، أَوْدِيَةٌ
- - - - -
talk حَدِيثٌ -  حِدْثَانٌ، أَحَادِيثُ 
adolescentصَبِيٌّ - صِبْيَانٌ، صُبْيَانٌ، صِبْيَةٌ، صَبْيَةٌ، أَصْبَيَةٌ
- - - - -
lambخَرُوفٌ - خِرْفَانٌ، خِرَافٌ، أَخْرِفَةٌ
- - - - -
crow        غُرَابٌ - غِرْبَانٌ، أَغْرُبٌ، أَغْرِبَةٌ
boy, youthغُلاَمٌ - غِلْمَانٌ، غِلْمَةٌ
- - - - -
- - - - -
bull    ثَوْرٌ - ثِيرَانٌ
- - - - -
adolescentفَتىً - فِتيَانٌ، فِتْيَةٌ
- - - - -
stringخَيْطٌ -  خِيطَانٌ، خُيُوطٌ، أَخْيَاطٌ
visitorضَيْفٌ -  ضِيفَانٌ، ضُيُوفٌ، أَضْيَافٌ
- - - - -
wallحَائِطٌ - حِيطَانٌ، حِيَاطٌ، حَوَائِطُ
- - - - -
doorٌبَاب - بِيبَانٌ، أَبْوَاب
crownتَاجٌ - تِيجَانٌ
flameنَارٌ - نِيرَانٌ

Last updated: 8 Oct 2014.

To see other groups, click on the links below.
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4Ai+N  4Au1  4Au2  4Au+N  4A+A1  4A+A2
Sa  Si  Su1  Su2  S+A1  S+A2  S+A3

To jump to a summary page, "Arabic broken plural nouns - summary," click here.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Arabic broken (irregular) plural nouns 3Aa4 "3rd Long Alif a (4)" (LaLaaLaa)

--To read this post in Japanese, click here.

Many Arabic broken (irregular) plural nouns and adjectives have a long vowel.

Some of them start with a letter with vowel "a," and
have an Alif (long "a") as a third letter and
an Alif maqsura (or sometimes Alif) as a fifth letter.

They belong to "3rd Long Leif a (4)" group.

The rhythm is "LaLaaLaa."

Here are examples of words belonging to the "3rd Long Alif a (4)" group.

meaning        plural - singular
giraffeزَرَافَةٌ، زُرَافَةٌ -  زَرَافَى، زَرَائِفُ
- - - - -
sweet(s)حَلْوَى - حَلاَوَى
- - - - -
fullشَبْعَانُ - شَبَاعَى، شِبَاعٌ، شَبْعَوَاتٌ
desertصَحْرَاءُ - صَحَارَى، صَحَارٍ، صَحْرَاوَاتٌ
virgin      عَذْرَاءُ - عَذَارَى، عَذَارٍ
lazyكَسْلاَنُ، كَسْلَى , كَسْلاَنٌ - كَسَالَى، كُسَالَى 
- - - - -
captiveأَسِيرٌ -  , أَسَارَى، أُسَرَاءُ، أَسْرَى
أَيِّمٌ - أَيَامَى، أَيَائِمُ 
sad        حَزِينٌ - حَزَانَى، حُزَنَاءُ، حِزَانٌ
uglyقَبِيحٌ -  قَبَاحَى، قِبَاحٌ، قُبْحَى، قَبِيحَاتٌ
illمَرِيضٌ - مَرَاضَى، مَرْضَى، مَرِيضَاتٌ
orphanيَتِيمٌ، يَتِيمَةٌ - يَتَامَى، أَيْتَامٌ، يَتِيمَاتٌ
- - - - -
mirrorمِرْآةٌ -  مَرَاتَا، مَرَاءٍ
- - - - -
willنِيَّةٌ - نَوَايَا، نِيَّاتٌ
- - - - -
female  أُنْثَى - أَنَاثَى، إِنَاثٌ 

Last updated: 5 May 2014.

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Sa  Si  Su1  Su2  S+A1  S+A2  S+A3

To jump to a summary page, "Arabic broken plural nouns - summary," click here.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Arabic broken (irregular) plural nouns S+A3 "Short + Hamza over Alif (3)" (ALLuLun)

--To read this post in Japanese, click here. 

Some of Arabic broken (irregular) plural nouns and adjectives do not include a long vowel.
Some of those only-short-vowel plural forms have a Hamza over Alif on the head.

Among them,  a plural form of words belonging to
"Short + Hamza over Alif (3)"  have rhythm "ALLuLun."

 Here are examples of words belonging to the "Short + Hamza over Alif (3)" group.

meaningplural - singular
seaبَحْرٌ -أَبْحُرٌ، بِحَارٌ، بُحُورٌ، أَبْحَارٌ 
young camel بَكْرٌ - أَبْكُرٌ، بُكْرَانٌ 
letterحَرْفٌ - أَحْرُفٌ، حُرُوفٌ
head   رَأْسٌ - أَرْؤُسٌ، رُؤُوسٌ، رُءُوسٌ
flowerزَهْرٌ، زَهْرَةٌ - أَزْهُرٌ، أَزْهَارٌ، أَزَاهِرُ، أَزَاهِيرُ، زُهُورٌ،  زَهْرَاتٌ 
ceiling   سَقْفٌ - أَسْقُفٌ، سُقُفٌ، سُقُوفٌ، سَقُوفَاتٌ
shareسَهْمٌ - أَسْهُمٌ
monthشَهْرٌ -  أَشْهُرٌ، شُهُورٌ
eraعَصْرٌ -  أَعْصُرٌ، أَعْصَارٌ، عُصُورٌ
boneعَظْمٌ -  أَعْظُمٌ، عِظَامٌ
branch    فَرْعٌ - أَفْرُعٌ، فُرُوعٌ 
planetنَجْمٌ - أَنْجُمٌ، نُجُومٌ 
mindنَفْسٌ - أَنْفُسٌ، نُفُوسٌ 
riverنَهْرٌ - أَنْهُرٌ، أَنْهَارٌ، نُهُورٌ
- - - - -
wingجَنَاحٌ -  أَجْنُحٌ، أَجْنِحَةٌ
- - - - -
foreheadجَبِينٌ -  أَجْبٌُن، أَجْبِنَةٌ، جُبُن
- - - - -
bridgeجِسْرٌ - أَجْسُرٌ، جُسُورٌ 
legرِجْلٌ - أَرْجُلٌ
- - - - -
crow   غُرَابٌ - أَغْرُبٌ، غِرْبَانٌ، أَغْرِبَةٌ

Last updated: 3 May 2014.

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Sa  Si  Su1  Su2  S+A1  S+A2  S+A3

To jump to a summary page, "Arabic broken plural nouns - summary," click here.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Arabic broken (irregular) plural nouns S+A1 "Short + Hamza over Alif (1)" (ALLiLaTun)

--To read this post in Japanese, click here.

Some of Arabic broken (irregular) plural nouns and adjectives do not include a long vowel.

Some of those only-short-vowel plural forms have:
a Hamza over Alif on the head;
a Ta Marbuta on the tail; and
a rhythm "ALLiLaTun."

They belong to "Short + Hamza over Alif (1)" group.

Here are examples of words belonging to the "Short + Hamza over Alif (1)" group.

meaningplural - singular
clubنَادٍ - أَنْدِيَةٌ، نَوَادٍ
dry valleyوَادٍ - أَوْدِيَةٌ، وِدْيَانٌ
- - - - -
costثَمَنٌ -أَثْمِنَةٌ، أَثْمَانٌ 
- - - - -
puppyجَرْوٌ، جِرْوٌ، جُرْوٌ - أَجْرِيَةٌ، أَجْرٍ، جِرَاءٌ، أَجْرَاءٌ 
wingجَنَاحٌ - أَجْنِحَةٌ، أَجْنُحٌ
answerجَوَابٌ - أَجْوِبَةٌ
drug دَوَاءٌ - أَدْوِيَةٌ
epochزَمَانٌ - أَزْمِنَةٌ
food طَعَامٌ -  أَطْعِمَةٌ
breakfast, lunch  غَدَاءٌ - أَغْدِيَةٌ
placeمَكَانٌ -  أَمْكِنَة، أَمَاكِنُ
activity نَشَاطٌ - أَنْشِطَةٌ، نَشَاطَاتٌ
airهَوَاءٌ - أَهْوِيَةٌ، أَهْوَاءٌ 
- - - - -
foreheadجَبِينٌ - أَجْبِنَةٌ، جُبُن، أَجْبٌُن
pavementرَصِيفٌ - أَرْصِفَةٌ
loafرَغِيفٌ - أَرْغِفَةٌ، رُغْفَانٌ، رُغُفٌ
wayسَبِيلٌ -  أَسْبِلَةٌ، سُبُلٌ
teamفَرِيقٌ - أَفْرِقَةٌ، فُرُوقٌ، أَفْرِقَاءُ
shirtقَمِيصٌ - أَقْمِصَةٌ، قُمْصَانٌ، قُمُصٌ 
- - - - -
lambخَرُوفٌ - أَخْرِفَةٌ، خِرْفَانٌ، خِرَافٌ
post           عَمُودٌ - أَعْمِدَةٌ، عُمُدٌ، عَمَدٌ
- - - - -
containerإِنَاءٌ - آنِيَةٌ، أَوَانٍ 
carpetٌبِسَاطٌ - أَبْسِطَةٌ، بُسُطٌ، بِسَاطَاتٌ
appliance جِهَازٌ, جَهَازٌ - أَجْهِزَةٌ، جِهَازَاتٌ
boot(s)حِذَاءٌ - أَحْذِيَةٌ
horseحِصَانٌ - أَحْصِنَةٌ، حُصُنٌ  
donkey حِمَارٌ - أَحْمِرَةٌ، حَمِيرٌ، حُمُرٌ
comforter      لِحَافٌ - ألْحِفَةٌ، لُحُفٌ  
exampleمِثَالٌ - أَمْثِلَة , مُثُلٌ
orderنِظَامٌ -  أَنْظِمَةٌ، نُظُمٌ، نِظَامَاتٌ
- - - - -
smokeٌدُخَانٌ، دُخَّانٌ - أَدْخِنَة 
questionسُؤَالٌ - أَسْئِلَةٌ
crowغُرَابٌ - أَغْرِبَةٌ، غِرْبَانٌ، أَغْرُبٌ
fabricقُمَاشٌ - أَقْمِشَةٌ 

Last updated: 12 Oct 2014.

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3Aa1  3Aa2  3Aa3  3Aa4  3Ai  3W  3A+A
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Sa  Si  Su1  Su2  S+A1  S+A2  S+A3

To jump to a summary page, "Arabic broken plural nouns - summary," click here.